List of Members

FCS’s unique governance structure ensures that all voices are heard and that decisions are made through consensus. FSC members contribute directly to our standards and to the future of responsible forestry. FSC brings together, among others, private enterprises, NGOs, international organizations, indigenous groups, and educational institutions. It is a diverse set of stakeholders but they all share a common desire to improve the state of the world’s forests. 

Gum tree

Australian FSC ANZ Members

We Are FSC


Economic Chamber

Environmental Chamber

Social Chamber

Carlie Porteous

Hancock Victorian Plantations Pty Limited

Depi Susilawati

Emily Silberberg

Forico Pty Limited

Kimberly-Clark Australia Pty Ltd

Midway Limited

Australian Bluegum Plantations Pty Limited

Australian Forest Products Association Limited

Australian Sustainable Timbers Pty Limited

Enviro Associated Products Pty Ltd

Fairweather Homes Pty Ltd

Foresa Consulting

Forest Industries Federation (WA) Inc

Forest Strategy Pty Ltd

Fujifilm Business Innovation Australia Pty Ltd

Good Environmental Choice - Australia Limited

Graeme Lea

Green Marketing Concepts

Hamelin Brands Pty Ltd

Jim Burgess

Laminex Group Pty Ltd

Mediaform Pty Ltd

Norske Skog (Australasia) Pty Limited

Opal Group

S2dio Pty Ltd

Sustainable Timber Tasmania

Visy Industries Australia Pty Ltd

Australian Conservation Foundation Incorporated

Australian Forests and Climate Alliance Inc

Environment East Gippsland Incorporated

Friends of Leadbeater's Possum Inc.

Greenpeace Australia Pacific Limited

Kinglake Friends of the Forest Incorporated

My Environment Inc.

North East Forest Alliance

Jon Dee

Grant Wardell-Johnson

The Wilderness Society

Queensland Conservation Council

Sue Feary

Chris Taylor

Mike Thompson

Alfred Parry Agius

Australian Manufacturing Workers Union

First Super Pty Limited

Forestworks Ltd

Travis Wacey

Joseph Henry Morrison

Forestry Australia

Rachael Cavanagh

Scott McLean


International Members, Australia

Economic Chamber

Environmental Chamber

Social Chamber

Kevin O'Grady

Aida Greenbury

Hancock Victorian Plantations Pty Limited

HQ Plantations Pty Ltd.

New Forests Asset Management Pty Ltd

PF Olsen (Aus) Pty Limited

SFM Environmental Solutions Pty Ltd T/A SFM Forest Products

Sean Cadman

Planet Ark Environmental Foundation

The Wilderness Society Ltd

World Wide Fund For Nature Australia (WWF)

Linda Fienberg

Patrick Anderson

David John Collard

International Members, New Zealand

Economic Chamber

Environment Chamber

Social Chamber

Juken New Zealand Ltd

New Zealand Farm Forestry Association (NZFFA)

New Zealand Forest Owners Association (NZFOA)

Timberlands Limited

Grant Rodwell

North Coast Environment Council Inc

Greenpeace New Zealand

First Union

Te Rünanga o Ngai Tahu