Start Date

End Date

26 January 2024


Normative document 

FSC-STD-AUS-01-2018 EN The FSC National Forest Stewardship Standard of Australia  

Organisational process assets  

FSC-STD-60-004 (V2-1) EN International Generic Indicators;

FSC-STD-60-006 (V1-2) EN Process Requirements for the Development and Maintenance of National Forest Stewardship Standards 

FSC-STD-60-002 (V1-0) EN Structure and Content of National Forest Stewardship Standards  


Stefan Jensen,  


Following an extensive development process, the National Forest Stewardship Standard (the Standard) was approved in November 2018. Its publication marked an important milestone for responsible forest management in Australia, and while its development was lengthy and detailed, the result was an outstanding forest management standard. 
In accordance with FSC International’s requirements for the maintenance of National Forest Stewardship Standards, and based on a comprehensive review process, FSC ANZ’s Board of Directors has determined that a revision of the Standard is required to ensure it remains fit for purpose. 
With an overall goal of maintaining continuity and consistency in the Standard, the FSC ANZ Board has initiated a targeted revision where the necessary improvements identified in the review of the Standard constitute the scope of its revision. 
Read more about the scope of the revision here. 

Standards Development Group members 

Economic chamber 

Carl Richardson, Australian Bluegum Plantations 

Simon Cook, Forico 

Judy Alexander, Foresa Consulting

Environmental chamber 

Associate Professor Grant Wardell-Johnson, individual member 

Patrick Gardner, The Wilderness Society 

Sean Cadman, individual member 

Social chamber 

Professor Mark Brown, Forestry Australia 


Tolita Davis-Angeles, Individual member 

Chair and Facilitator 

Stefan Jensen, FSC Australia and New Zealand 

Get involved 

Stakeholders are encouraged to join the Standards Development Group’s Consultative Forum, which is being formed to increase the Standards Development Group’s access to expertise, data, and stakeholder perspectives as well as to increase transparency and communication in the processes associated with the revision of the Standard. This forum is designed for those who want to be more deeply involved than the public consultation. 

To join the Consultative Forum, which is open to all interested parties, contact Stefan Jensen at  


28 November 2024
Call for Nominations: Join FSC ANZ’s Standards Development Group’s Social Chamber

FSC ANZ announced a vacancy in the social chamber of the SDG and called for expressions of interest from suitable candidates.

26 January 2024:

FSC International provides formal approval of the revision of the Standard.

March 2023:

The FSC ANZ Board approves the final composition of the Standards Development Group.

April 2022:

Call for expressions of interest to join the Standards Development Group responsible for revising the Standard published. 

December 2021:

The FSC ANZ Board approves the revision process.

August 2021:

Survey to underpin review of the Standard distributed to standard users, members, the Board, and stakeholders. Find the review reports below.  

Changes to associated elements of the FSC system review.pdf
PDF, Size: 476.16KB
Standard Users’ and Members' Feedback Review.pdf
PDF, Size: 233.78KB
Request to register a revision of FSC-STD-AUS-01-2018 EN The FSC National Forest Stewardship Standard of Australia.PDF
PDF, Size: 259.19KB
External circumstances and the continued relevance of FSC-STD-AUS-01-2018 EN review.PDF
PDF, Size: 256.65KB
Australia Standard Development Group Terms of Reference.pdf
PDF, Size: 340.83KB