The Dispute Resolution process is fully defined in FSC-PRO-01-008 Processing Complaints in the FSC Certification Scheme

Designed in a modular way, the FSC Dispute Resolution System supports stakeholders to express concerns they may have about the operation of the FSC system and to find the best way of resolving disputes.

Most complaints are handled by the relevant CB which audits the certificate holder in Australia. In certain circumstances, complaints are managed by Accreditation Services International (ASI) or FSC International. Please note, as a National Office, FSC Australia has no direct role in examining or resolving complaints made about audits, Certificate Holders (CHs) or Certification Bodies (CBs). But we can help guide you through the complaint and dispute procedures.

Broadly speaking there are five different types of complaints that are handled by the FSC system:

  1. Towards a company directly from any stakeholder about an action or omission in breach of their relevant certificate (Forest Management, Controlled Wood or Chain of Custody).

    Complaint Management: Company examine the complaint and provides a written, considered and timely response to the stakeholder, copied to their relevant Certification Body.

  2. Towards the relevant certification body about the same issue as above.

    Complaint Management: The Certification Body examines the complaint and provides a written response. If necessary, the Certification Body issues a Corrective Action Request (CAR) to the Certificate Holder. CARs are publicly declared via FSC International’s searchable database.

  3. Towards ASI about a certification body not acting properly on a complaint.

    Complaint Management: ASI duly investigates the complaint and, if necessary, takes appropriate action. This would be transparently reported on ASI’s website.

  4. Towards FSC about ASI not acting properly on a complaint.

    Complaint Management: FSC International investigates the complaint and, if necessary, intervenes. This would be transparently reported on FSC International’s website.

  5. Towards FSC about a company violating the Policy for Association.


    Complaint Management: FSC International investigates the complaint and takes appropriate action. This would be transparently reported on FSC International’s website, with links from FSC Australia’s newsroom.