Promotional Licence or Chain of Custody Certification?
A promotional licence allows an organisation to use the FSC trademarks promotionally, but does not allow it to apply the FSC trademarks to products or sales documents.
If you want to apply an FSC label to your products yourself and/or sell them with an FSC claim, or if you are involved in the processing or transformation of FSC-certified products (e.g. manufacturing, repackaging, pack-splitting, relabelling, cutting to size or adding other forest-based components to the product) you will need FSC chain of custody certification.
Who is Eligible for a Promotional Licence?
- Retailers that buy finished, FSC-labelled products and sell them on unchanged to end-users (e.g. the general public)
- Organisations that wish to promote their use of FSC-certified products in their activities e.g. a company using FSC-certified packaging for their products
- Consultants, training companies and investment organisations working within the environmental sector
- Parent or holding companies that own several FSC-certified companies or branches

To Be Eligible Your Organisation Must:
- Purchase packaged and labelled FSC certified products from an FSC certified supplier, and sell these FSC certified products to end users; AND/OR
- Use FSC certified products in its own business operations.

Promotional Licence Holders can use the FSC trademarks for:
- The promotion of FSC-certified and labelled products or services.
- The promotion of the use of FSC certified products in their business operations.
- Making corporate social responsibility claims.
- Making procurement or purchasing claims for finished labelled products.
- Stating a preference for FSC certified products to suppliers.
- Promoting completed FSC certified projects.
- Informing or educating about FSC and/or the FSC system.
- The promotion of training or consultancy on FSC certification and/or the FSC system.