The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) organizes the conference on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the concept of sustainability, the 20th anniversary of forest certification and a decade of the EU Action Plan against illegal logging and associated trade.
The conference brings together high-level government officials, policy makers, company managers and representatives of civil society, sustainability initiatives and development organisations. About 100 participants from tropical forest regions and consumer countries are expected.

On the first conference day, the German State Secretary for Economic Cooperation and Development, Hans-Jürgen Beerfeltz, will explain in his opening address the historical context of the conference and outline the goals and strategic approach followed by German development cooperation.

Keynote addresses by leading figures from government, industry and research will present opportunities and challenges for tropical forest resources and wood as renewable raw material and show how to move forward. Panel discussions and short presentations will follow, giving participants an opportunity to engage in focused discussions on:

•Dynamics of globalized wood markets: new trade-related regulations and industry actions and how these affect wood trade regimes, livelihoods and forests
•Synergies of regulatory approaches and private standards initiatives in existing
regulations and policies

During the second conference day, participants will split into three thematic working groups. Starting from a basis of practical experience they will discuss interactions and potential synergies between private standards initiatives and national and international regulatory approaches, focusing on the following key contexts:

1. In producer and processing countries:
Bringing FLEGT/VPA and certified sustainable supply chains together:
How can incentives for sustainable timber be set? Will the EU’s focus on legality
aspects help promote sustainable forest management in the tropics or does it lower the bar (legal timber vs. Sustainable timber)?

2. In consumer markets:
The EU Timber Regulation as regulatory effort to prevent illegally harvested timber and derived wood products for material and energy uses from entering EU markets requires due diligence in the supply chains. How can this momentum be used to increase demand for sustainable wood products in private and public procurement?

3. Responsible Finance in certified, sustainable forest management in tropics:
How can public and private investments be mobilized?

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