FSC Australia's Manager of Trademarks and Partnerships Patricia Fitzsimons recently attended Clear The Air: Australian Climate Action Summit at Parliament House in Canberra. The aim of the summit, organised by the Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD), was to gather together experts from academia, business, civil society, state and local governments to provide practical guidance on climate change, including Context, Action, Ambition and the Transition.

A range of speakers outlined how Australia could lead the way in responding to climate change through science, technology and innovation, with significant potential in renewable energy, soil carbon and environmentally sustainable development. The summit explored the extent and magnitude of the recent fires and how it may offer a chance to reset and recommit to establishing a zero net emissions target by 2050.

Zali Steggle MP attended the summit to outline her ambition for the Climate Change Framework Bill which she is intending to present to parliament in March. "Ms Steggle is seeking bipartisan support for the bill which outlines a process to transition Australia to a decarbonised economy. The bill is intended as a policy response to break through the current policy paralysis." Patricia said.

"A fundamental change in Australia's attitude to climate change can only occur through strong and enduring partnerships. FSC Australia and New Zealand are seeking to strengthen our partnerships by exploring the role of forests in contributing ecosystem services and carbon storage initiatives along with a demand from consumers for responsibly managed forest products.

"Climate change is damaging ecosystems at an unprecedented rate, but these same ecosystems are our strongest allies in mitigating future climate change. Our global framework for forest management standards gives special attention to protecting the function of forests as net removers of CO2 from the atmosphere." Patricia highlighted.

"Certification of forest management, chain of custody control standards and outreach to consumers through labels on products are effective tools in ensuring the traceability of products and product development. FSC contributes to mitigating climate change by promoting sustainable forest management, and by promoting the recycling of wood materials. As climate change undermines the natural ecosystems on which we rely for our basic needs – food, health, and shelter – rewarding the preservation of valuable ecosystem services, including carbon storage, in responsibly managed forests, is an important next step for FSC" said Patricia.