We have just been advised that Paul McNamara, Assistant Secretary of the Forestry Branch, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry will be in attendance to address the membership regarding the provision of the grant monies on behalf of Senator the Hon. Joe Ludwig MP, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

McNamara will also attend our networking dinner to engage with the membership and stakeholders.

If you have not yet booked, we have re-opened a limited number of places. Bookings must be received by no later than 4pm today to allow for catering to be planned for tomorrow.
If you would like to attend, click on the Booking links below, remembering that there are two separate bookings required to attend both the AGM and the Networking Dinner.

AGM and IGI Forum
11am - 5pm,
Melbourne City Bowls Club
Flagstaff Gardens
Dudley Street, West Melbourne
Book here: http://www.trybooking.com/CUNQ.

Networking Dinner
The Mint - 6pm.
Corner of LaTrobe and William Streets
Book here: http://www.trybooking.com/CUQZ

A reminder that there will be an IGI workshop held after the AGM, which will include a walk through of the International Generic Indicators and seek comment and feedback on them from FSC Australia members.
This will be your opportunity to feed into the process and have your say into FSC Australia's submission to FSC International.
We will also ensure that members and stakeholders know the process to comment directly to FSC International on specific indicators.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Kind Regards,

Natalie Reynolds
Chief Executive
FSC Australia
96 Dryburgh Street
North Melbourne Vic 3051 Australia
Phone: (03) 9329 9984