Subsequent to the recent consultation on the second draft of the Policy on Conversion, consultation is now open on the first draft of the FSC Conversion Remedy Procedure, which is a key component in the translation of the Policy on Conversion into practice.

This procedure contains the following requirements and guidance:

• Guidance to apply the cut-off rule, which prohibits an organisation from being eligible to apply for certification against FSC standards or association with FSC due to conversion, as proposed in FSC Policy on Conversion Version 1-0 Draft 2-0;
• Requirements to remedy the harm caused by past conversion, by restoring and/or conserving environmental values and by restituting socio-economic values;
• Information on the eligibility criteria to enter the FSC system, such as:
a) being associated with FSC, and
b) becoming FSC certified and maintaining FSC certification.

The objective of this public consultation is to collect feedback on several fundamental procedure requirements. FSC encourages all interested stakeholders to participate and provide their input during this period. Such input is critical to further develop the FSC Conversion Remedy Procedure.