On the 10 August 2020, FSC Australia welcomed three new directors to the Board, Carlie Porteous, David Collard and Michelle Freeman. They joined Craig Dunn, and Sarah Rees who were returned to the board, having successfully renominated after completing a three year appointment, and Peter Cooper who was elected after having filled a casual vacancy.

The resignation of Mark Gauthier (Chair), created a casual vacancy and after considering the nominations the Board has appointed Ross Hampton to the Economic Chamber.

Each year the Chair of the board position is rotated across the chambers, and the Board has appointed Susie Russell as the Chair and Mark Annandale as Deputy Chair for 2020-2021.

We would like to congratulate Susie and Mark and welcome the new board for FSC Australia.

The following list is current at 01 October 2020. It identifies the director's name, organisation, chamber, and term dates.

Directors terms will expire at the AGM in May of each year, on a rotating basis.

board 2020

Directors are elected for three-year terms at FSC Australia's Annual General Meeting.

With the number of casual vacancies being filled at the 2020 AGM, the directors from each chamber nominated which seat 1, 2 or 3, each director would hold. At the AGM in 2021 there will be three director positions, one from each chamber, that will be open for nomination, in addition to any casual vacancies positions that expire at the AGM.