Certification ensures social and environmental values are respected in forest ecosystems, while promoting economically viable models of responsible forest management. When financial institutions use certification as a screening tool for investing in forest resources, they indicate that certification standards are important for opening up investment opportunities, especially in the tropics. This cross-sectoral approach can have important economic implications for forest managers, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises- who face many barriers to economic viability, including access to traditional forms of finance.

• Petra Hammers. Director, The Amazon Alternative (Presenting on behalf of FAST)
• Joachim Meier-Dörnberg. Smallholder Support Project Manager, FSC

• John Hontelez. Chief Advocacy Officer, FSC

For more information, please contact Anakarina Perez Oropeza at a@perezoropeza.org

About UNFF 10

The tenth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF 10) will assess the overall progress made on the implementation of the Non-Legally Binding Instrument on All Types of Forests and achievement of its four Global Objectives on Forests. The theme for UNFF 10 is forests and economic development. Agenda items will include: forest products and services; national forest programmes and other sectoral policies and strategies; reducing risks and impacts of disasters; and benefits of forests and trees to urban communities. http://www.un.org/esa/forests/session.html