The Forest Stewardship Council works to take care of our forests and those who rely on them: by protecting plant and animal species, Indigenous Peoples rights, forest workers’ safety, and much more.

FSC is a global not-for-profit organisation founded in 1993 by environmentalists, social interest groups, responsible retailers and leading forest companies to develop standards that set what is a responsibly managed forest.
FSC set higher standards than any other timber certification scheme and these are the foundation of FSC certification.

“WWF considers the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) to be the best certification system to ensure environmentally responsible, socially beneficial and economically viable management of forests.”

What Zoos can do
Zoos play an important educating role and have the power to raise awareness about making responsible purchasing choice.
It is why FSC proposes a free access to pre-made friendly communications material so you can create your own message about the importance of protecting the world’s forests.

There are heaps of ways to talk about FSC: a video explaining the importance of well managed forests, including the FSC logo on your information panels, an article on your website…
You can also ask us where you can find FSC products from the timber to build a new facility, to the postcards in your store, through the toilet paper you dispense.

“At Wellington Zoo we believe in responsible purchasing. We encourage our visitors to think about what they buy, and how they can help stop the destruction of natural habitats. Wellington Zoo supports FSC to promote responsible management of our native forests.”

Ten reasons to choose FSC
There are 10 reasons to choose FSC: from providing the highest level of protection for endangered species and natural forests, to our global impact, through our democratic governance…
Check them here.

"Auckland Zoo knows that one way you can help build a future for wildlife is by buying timber, wood furniture and paper products that come from responsible forests, and that you can trust the Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) stamp of approval to help you do this.”- Kate Orgias, Content Advisor at the Auckland Zoo

By purchasing FSC products, corporates and consumers can make a difference for the world's forests and future generations.
Thank you for helping us in making this difference.

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