The 2017 Annual Review of the State of CSR in Australia and New Zealand was released this morning and is now available for download.

The study surveyed over 1,200 respondents from a multitude of industries on how businesses are addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), CSR priorities for the year ahead, trends in sustainability reporting and much more.

FSC Australia participated in this year research, our most recent research will be made available at our Annual General Meeting.

Some key insights include:

  • More than half of respondents think sustainability reporting should be mandatory.
  • 35 percent of respondents say that sustainability reporting has improved investor engagement.
  • Strengthening stakeholder relationships remains the number one priority in Australia.
  • Managing the impacts of regulation is the top priority in New Zealand.

The Annual Review also shows that the Sustainable Development Goals are gathering pace. Companies are using them to inform business strategy to include sustainability strategy, and commitment is coming from the highest levels of these organisations.

The top two goals being addressed by companies are gender equality and health and well-being. The most challenging goals to address are climate action and gender equality.

Download your copy from ACCSR.