Indigenous Peoples’ face countless challenges that limit their capacity to secure their rights, strengthen their livelihoods practices, and consolidate sustainable development and governance within their territories.


FSC is committed to working with Indigenous communities - it is part of our DNA and has always been central to our work.  The rights of Indigenous Peoples are prioritized in Principle 3 of the FSC Principles and Criteria which requires all FSC-certified forest owners and managers to identify and uphold Indigenous Peoples’ rights of land ownership, use of land, and access to resources the land may provide. This is done through FSC’s free, prior, and informed consent process that takes into account livelihoods as well as social and cultural ways of living that preserve this way of life.  


FSC established the Permanent Indigenous Peoples’ Committee (PIPC) at a global level to make sure Indigenous voices are heard and represented at the highest levels of FSC’s decision-making, FSC established the PIPC in 2013 following a decision concluded in the 2011 FSC General Assembly. Acting as an advisory committee to the FSC International Board of Directors, the PIPC consists of representatives of Indigenous Peoples from all regions of the world, including Australia.


In Australia, the Indigenous Working Group (IWG) was convened in 2014 to provide advice to the FSC Australia and New Zealand Board in its efforts to fulfil its purpose of promoting the viable management of forest resources and forestry production which preserves the environment and respects the rights of and creates opportunities for Indigenous Peoples. The IWG has absolute focus on ensuring Australia’s First Nation Peoples can benefit from the various components of the FSC system.


The IWG believes learning, enquiry and discovery improves lives and is focussed on working together WITH Aboriginal communities to assist people and community to become productive in the forestry arena. The IWG works with and for the Aboriginal stakeholder groups to make their communities a source of strength and creativity. Enhancing the capacity of FSC, in conjunction with the Aboriginal community to make informed choices and transforming these into desired actions, outcomes and success.


The IWG works to provide advice to the FSC ANZ Board and are in the process of understanding how culture and forests have a relationship in both the application and the principles of FSC.   Regardless of the specific outcomes achieved, the IWG will need to contribute to future discussions and engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders who ae engaged in the management of Australia’s forests.


Our door is always open and we have a bigger task to achieve.  Individuals will need to use their democratic right to vote on the VOICE how they see fit.  The FSC ANZ Board is moving towards becoming culturally sensitive in their relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander land and forest owners.

FSC ANZ looks forward to presenting innovative solutions, based on Indigenous knowledge, to the management of forests in Australia and believes that the Voice has the potential to provide the potential to enhance inclusion and recognition of Traditional knowledge, cultural authority and traditional practices.