FSC ANZ is establishing a Standards Development Group to support the revision of the Australian National Forest Stewardship Standard (NFSS).

We are therefore calling for expressions of interest from qualified and dedicated individuals who are interested in joining this technical chamber-balanced body.

Please email expressions of interest to info@au.fsc.org by close of business 10.07.2022.


Following an extensive development process, the NFSS was approved in November 2018. Its publication marked an important milestone for responsible forest management in Australia, and while its development was lengthy and detailed, the result was an outstanding forest management standard.

In accordance with FSC International’s requirements for the maintenance of National Forest Stewardship Standards, and based on a comprehensive review process, FSC ANZ’s Board of Directors has determined that a revision of the Australian NFSS is required to ensure it remains fit for purpose.

With an overall goal of maintaining continuity and consistency in the Standard, the FSC ANZ Board has initiated a targeted revision where the necessary improvements identified in the review of the Standard constitute the scope of its revision.

Read more about the scope of the revision here.

The revised standard must be recommended to FSC International’s Board of Directors by November 2024.

Selection Criteria

Standards Development Group members are chosen for their experience and ability to represent key interest areas that are important for the revision and FSC’s values and policies.

Eligibility for the Standards Development Group requires that applications include and demonstrate:

  • Membership of FSC ANZ. Or submission and approval of an FSC ANZ membership application as part of the expression of interest process. NOTE: Members of the Standards Development Group will either represent the organisation nominating them, or they will represent themselves if they are individual FSC ANZ members.
  • Up-to-date knowledge of FSC’s systems and procedures. NOTE: Attendance in FSC training for Standards Development Groups may be considered sufficient for this requirement.
  • Representation of points of view from the corresponding FSC chamber.
  • An understanding of the impact of the standard on affected stakeholders.
  • An understanding of and commitment to FSC’s mission and vision.
  • A desire to seek and reach consensus on controversial issues.
  • An ability to actively participate in the process until final approval of the revised standard.
  • Support from two members of the corresponding chamber in the form of letters of support.
  • An ability to review and comment on documents in English.
  • Expert knowledge of and/or experience in the development, implementation and/or analysis of standards will be highly regarded.

The FSC ANZ Board will consider applications and approve the final make-up of the Standards Development Group.

More information on becoming an FSC ANZ member can be found here.

Composition of the Standards Development Group

In the composition of the Standards Development Group, the FSC ANZ Board will consider geographical and issue-based representation and expertise in accordance with the below profiles. Note that the profiles are guiding, and all interested candidates are encouraged to apply.


  • A person who has experience and a skill set from a large national ENGO or equivalent experience of national-level forest management and conservation issues from an ENGO perspective.
  • A person who has experience and a skill set relating to the organisation and operation of forest management and conservation at a community/local/regional/grassroots level.
  • A person who has experience and a skill set relating to ecology/environmental science/conservation planning.


  • A person who has experience and a skill set and input from the native forestry sector.
  • A person who has experience and a skill set and input from the plantation forestry sector.
  • A person who has experience and a skill set and input from the forestry products supply chain.


  • A person who has experience and a skill set and input from a workers’ rights organisation or equivalent experience of national-level forest management and workers’ rights issues from a workers’ rights organisation.
  • A person who has experience and a skill set and input from Indigenous forestry in Australia.
  • A person who has experience and a skill set and input from a regional forest community.
Australia Standard Development Group Terms of Reference_DRAFT
PDF, Size: 431.23KB

Participation in the Standards Development Group

The Standards Development Group’s draft terms of reference, which includes members’ time commitment, duties and possible honorarium, can be accessed below.

For budgetary purposes, applicants are encouraged to indicate in their expressions of interest if they will rely on FSC ANZ to cover travel and meal expenses, and if they will be requesting an honorarium.

For more information on the Standards Development Group and the process for appointment, please contact Stefan Jensen, FSC ANZ’s Policy and Standards Manager:


Phone: 0407 606 633