EarlierFSC is currently revising its actual standard that define hazard of chemicals used in certified forests through updating formal FSC pesticides indicators and thresholds.

The FSC’s list of ‘highly hazardous’ pesticides (HHP list) is part of FSC’s Chemical Pesticides Policy, which was first approved in July 2002 and subsequently revised in 2007. This list is based upon criteria and thresholds for particular hazardous properties of pesticides. Selected criteria/indicators and thresholds aim at a reduction of potential risks for pesticide users and the environment.

A panel of experts consisting of chemists, toxicologists and forest scientists has been established to undertake the review and revision process. The proposed draft version of Indicators and thresholds submitted in attachment is the result of their work.

Please provide your comments using the comment form (attached) and send them to Gregory Jean at pesticides@fsc.org

The deadline for submitting comments is 03 August 2013.

For background information please refer to the FSC website.


Many of you have expressed the wish to see how the official FSC list of Highly Hazardous Pesticides would be impacted by the revision of pesticide Indicators and thresholds (I&T).

For this information please visit our dedicated webpage

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